
Welcome to "Written All Over Your Face", where our goal is to uncover the secrets that lie within your facial features.  Our detectives have worked day and night to compile evidence to support the theory that sometimes you can judge a book by it's cover.  We have found, through our extensive research and analysis that there are certain prominent personality traits that are revealed by subtle clues hidden in your facial features. 

For example: When the whites of your eyes are visible under the iris, this is evidence that the person has an inner turbulence. This person is at odds with the world and although they are spiritual in nature, they are hard to please or understand and have very high expectations of others. Martin Luther King and Abraham Lincoln exhibited these traits. While on the other hand, when the whites are visible above the irises, this evidence supports that there are dangerous elements lurking within the personality. An explosive temper and forceful nature are qualities that this person possesses. Approach with caution! Charles Manson exhibited these eyes. 

Along with the eyes, every element of the face holds a clue that can be used to solve the mystery of a personality.  The shape and position of your nose, lips, ears, eyebrows, and cheek bones all hold important evidence that our detectives are trained to recognize while solving cases.  So whether it be a friend, family member, lover, co-worker, or yourself who you would like investigated, we would be more than happy to be of service.  And remember, no matter how hard someone tries to hide their true self, they will be revealed by our detectives because it is written all over their face.